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  • Writer's pictureDarby VanDeVeen

lovelytheband Has a Sophomore Success With “conversations with myself about you”

“With their trademark indie pop sound mixed with an 80s influence, the LA trio shows that they can vary their sound with success.”

After releasing their debut album, Finding It Hard to Smile, which features the hit song “Broken,” lovelytheband returns to the music scene with their sophomore album, conversations with myself about you. With their trademark indie pop sound mixed with an 80s influence, the LA trio shows that they can vary their sound with success. The band is made up of vocaist Mitchy Collins, guitarist Jordan Greenwald and drummer Sam Price. When discussing the album in a press statement, they said “being able to immerse ourselves into the creative process” was the best part of their release. In their own words, the album touches on “insecurities of love and life and driving yourself crazy overthinking the most trivial things”

Taking sad songs and making them danceable while still weaving in really slow, vocal-heavy ballads is what lovelytheband does (think of “Broken”). One trend they’ve also successfully taken on is the throwback to classic 80s sounds. Songs like “silly” could be straight out of your favorite 80s movie, which fits even better with lyrics about wistfully driving past your old crush’s house: “I was back in New Jersey the other day/Found myself driving past your place again.” The saxophone on “waste” brings to mind the instrumental on “Maneater” by Hall & Oates.

Outside of the intro, there is not a single song I would skip while listening to conversations with myself about you. Whether I’m ready to dance (“buzz cut”), scream at the top of my lungs (“idwgtyp”), or have an existential crisis (“i should be happy”), this album has a song for any situation. The versatility in the band can be shown throughout the song topics, the instrumentation and the overall sound of this album compared to their debut.



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