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  • Writer's pictureDarby VanDeVeen

Sound Bites: Vanessa Richardson, Day Forty-One, Mellifera

This edition of ‘Sound Bites’ features all Canadian artists including a singer with a multidimensional sound, a new alternative band with a catchy tune, and a folk singer from Winnipeg.

Vanessa Richardson - “Spider”

Vanessa Richardson is a self-taught singer/producer from the Montreal/Toronto area. The soundscape she creates on “Spider” is haunting and thoroughly captivating. Harmonies and background vocals make it sound so mysterious. At 1:36, it’s a quick listen, but you’ll want to listen to it again. Lyrics like “Don’t spin my words and expect me to get tangled in the web you made” add to the depth of such a short song. The vocals are rich and low, which add to the dark, haunting theme. If you like this, you’ll also like her songs “Haunted” and her EP, Dawn Cadence.


Day Forty-One - “Lost at Sea”

Day Forty-One is a Canadian band also from Toronto. Their first single, “Lost at Sea” is an upbeat alternative song describing the struggle it can be to find your place in the world and finding someone who genuinely understands you. The song starts with a catchy loop of “dadada dadada dadadadadadada” which repeats for the entire song. I was hooked immediately when the drums came in and set the tone. The bridge is reminiscent of an AJR song with the repeating lyrics “get home, get home, one day will we get home.” After dancing in my chair to Day Forty-One’s first single for 4 listens straight, I highly recommend listening to this song!


Mellifera - “Laid Plans”

Matthew McLean, who goes under the moniker of Mellifera is a folk singer from Winnipeg. His debut single “Laid Plans” is sorrowful yet enchanting. A lone guitar serves as the only instrumentation for McLean’s voice, which echoes throughout the entire track giving it an otherworldly quality. The idea of having “laid plans carved in the sands” is wistful knowing that they’re just going to wash away in the end. This song is so beautiful and an absolute perfect listen on a cloudy/rainy day. Keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-released EP, “Crown of Leaves” if you want to hear more of Mellifera’s rustic sound.



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